Friday, October 18, 2013

Funny stories

As I have stated before, I want Keeley to be able to look back at all of the funny stories and things she did as a baby. So, here are a few.

One night, I ate a ton of banana chips (they are like crack). I didn't think anything of it. The next morning as I was changing Keeley, I noticed she smelled really sweet. Her skin smelled like syrup and it was so strong it could make you gag. I started freaking out since this can be a symptom of a few very serious diseases. Turns out, if you eat too many banana chips and are nursing, your kid will reek of bananas. Its like baby perfume!

She was always fine laying down. Then, she learned to sit up by herself and wouldn't lay down. Then, she learned to stand and refused to sit. At 13 weeks old she took her first steps (as long as she has a hand to hold) and she refuses to sit still. Her first time, she walked so much that her legs were shaking from exhaustion. I made her sit down and she screamed because she was so mad! I'm terrified this runt is going to be like me and get into EVERYTHING!

Baby girl has learned to give kisses. Not rooting, actual kisses. Usually, she saves them for me, but occasionally gives a few to others. Her version of kisses is opening her mouth and allowing me to kiss her tongue. She doesn't try to suck or look for food, just simply sits there with her tongue out.

Today, I was on the first floor in the bathroom getting ready for work. Baby girl was in the bedroom on the second level. I had the video monitor on and the volume was pretty  high so I could hear her over the TV. She started grunting and then let it rip. She was farting so loud it was actually creating an echo through the monitors! I had to turn it down just so she wouldn't be woken up by the receiver....on the other end of the house!

The runt has been watching us do zurburs (where you lightly hold your lips together and blow air) and she is starting to pick it up. The feeling of the vibration on her lips makes her smile and then she gets mad because she can't make the noise. Once she calms down and makes it again, she won't stop smiling and the process is a major loop.

Usually, when something is really funny, she giggles or squeals. Every so often, she will find something so hysterical that she can't even look any more. She will be smiling and then squeal and bury her face. Its like she just can't handle how funny some things are and it cracks me up.

Hope there are many more stories to come :)