Thursday, July 25, 2013

My little princess and "nipple confusion"

My beautiful princess asleep at the hospital. It seems she does a lot of sleeping. She sleeps through most of the day and night. Even when she is awake, as soon as she sees mommy she is hungry! She thinks that is all I'm good for! Who am I kidding? Even in her sleep as soon as I touch her she is hungry. I hold her on my shoulder and she will slowly move her head to my chest and start sucking my shirt. She knows what she wants, she knows who has it, and she knows where it is. I swear, the kid can smell me as soon as I walk into the room. I don't mind though. It gives me quality time with my princess that I don't get when daddy feeds her. Which brings me to this question....What is the deal with nipple confusion? My mom fed all of her children by nursing AND formula/bottles (I was strictly bottles due to medication). People have given their kids bottles from birth for years. I was all worried about nipple confusion with my daughter, but my body doesn't produce quickly enough to satisfy her. She cluster feeds which leaves me dry at times and full at others. Either way, I have to pump to get my body accustomed to its new job. Pumping means bottles. Often I even have to supplement with formula. Which also means bottles. She won't sleep without something in her mouth, which means a binky. So, how could I avoid nipple confusion? 

Honestly, I have no answer. All I can say is that with a little effort you can make it go away. We had a hiccup on day 3 where it took her longer than normal to latch, but other than that she takes to nursing like a champ. She fights the bottle slightly at first because she would rather have the real thing, but she never denies it completely. I just don't understand why every doctor says to wait. Am I supposed to let her starve until I make more milk? Not gonna happen. She has no problem switching back and forth. Ten years ago before nipple confusion was thought of most babies had no problem. Why did we create it?
Just one of the many things I ponder while sitting at home. 

On another note, I couldn't be happier right now. My husband returns to work tomorrow and although I love having him here, I am excited for some mommy-daughter time. You know, before she grows up and becomes convinced I am out to ruin her life. No matter what baby girl, I am only trying to do what we think is best. It may not always seem that way, but one day you will thank me. One day you will wish you had listened. I know I feel that way about my parents. Just remember, I will always love you and you will always be my princess and my baby girl.....even when you are 50.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The joys of daddy changing diapers!

So far, the little one has been pretty amazing. She wakes up once at night for a feeding and then dozes back off for a few more hours. On average, we are getting about 7 hours of sleep a night! Not only is she great during the day, but she is usually really easy to care for during the day. I mean, she eats, falls asleep, and wakes up sucking when its time to eat again. Rarely does she cry and I love it! My favorite thing is how much she smiles in her sleep. This girl is just all-around perfect!

However, today we had a "newborn moment". She woke up and ate, but couldn't go back to sleep. No matter what I did she was either screaming or trying to sleep and couldn't. She wouldn't eat, a car ride did nothing, and even daddy couldn't calm her down. We had no idea what was wrong and then it dawned on us....she hadn't pooped in a while. Not days, but about 15 hours. So, I made an appointment with her doctor (it was a huge concern since she wasn't eating for quite some time). Shortly after, she pooped. Then, she ate like crazy and fell asleep. We cancelled her appointment and asked if there was anything we could do if this happened again. His response? Feed her more. DUH! The entire reason I called was because she wasn't eating!

Anyways, later on she had a REALLY wet diaper and my husband volunteered to change her. He took her diaper off and as soon as he did, she started pooping. I couldn't stop laughing at him! He put a wipe under her butt and decided to wait a second before putting on a clean diaper. Its a good thing he did! She let it all out! He was freaking out about how it was getting everywhere and there was so much. He kept saying it was gonna get all over him. It didn' first. She was "done" and he lifted her butt to clean her and SHE SHOT POOP AT HIM! I was laughing so hard by this time I was crying and couldn't see so that I could walk out of the room. Eventually, I had to leave because laughing so hard was causing my incision area to throb. From the other room all I hear is "OH MY GOD!!! ITS ON MY FINGER!!" When I finally venture back into the room, he pointed out  the wet spot on the couch (from him cleaning it) "LOOK AT THAT! SHE SHOT POOP HALF A CUSHION LENGTH!" I thought it was so funny I called her Nana and Papa to tell them (I knew my parents would find this hilarious). My mom was laughing and then scolded me for leaving the room....and not taking a video!
It may have been a rough start to the day, but she sure made it worth it!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


A few days ago I hit my 40 week mark, but was showing no signs of labor so we decided to wait on induction. The next day I went in for a non-stress test to make sure that the baby was moving enough and her heart was reacting correctly. Instead, we found out I was having contractions every 6 minutes. Because of the contractions the doctor decided to check me. I was dilated and ready for labor. Since we live an hour from the hospital I was delivering at the doctor sent me in for induction. At about 7 they gave me a medicine that is used to soften the cervix. By midnight, I was having contractions that were less than 2 minutes apart, but only lasting 30 seconds. Every time I had one of these minor contractions, her heart rate dropped. They did what they could to even it out, but by 7 a.m. they had not been able to even out her heart rate enough. They knew that no matter what they did, she would not handle real labor and I would end up having a c-section anyways. So, instead of waiting for the inevitable, they got me ready for surgery. I don't remember much besides crying because I was upset by this. However, now that it is over, my only regret is the drugs. I don't remember much of her delivery and I don't like that. At some point, they brought her to me and I kissed her cheeks and forehead, but I don't remember any of that. I remember her first cry and I remember her being held over the curtain. So, at least I remember the important stuff I guess. Anyways, at 7:23 a.m. we welcomed a 7 pound 11 ounce, 20 inch long little girl. After delivery, I was told there was no way I could have delivered her naturally because of how wide her head was. So, it was best to have the c-section when I did rather than waiting until it was time to push and finding out I needed one anyways.

She is an amazing baby. She sleeps most of the night, usually waking once for a feeding and then going back to sleep. She isn't fussy (yet) and she is very active when she can be. She loves to hold her head up and scratch it on daddy's chin. She loves me for food. I swear, that kid does nothing but eat. She has done really well with breastfeeding. She latched on from the moment they gave her to me. The nurse didn't even have a chance to help! The only frustration I have faced with it is that she wants more than I have. I can't give her enough! I know it isn't a big deal, but the past few days everything makes me cry. Hell, I am crying right now.

Mostly, I just get really sad that she will grow up. I know that it happens and it is a fact of life, but when I think about her not being my little girl anymore it absolutely devastates me. Just thinking of her growing up, not being able to sleep on my chest, not needing me anymore.....I just can't handle it. I really can't stand the thought of her being anything but this little baby that needs me for everything. This little girl that curls up on daddy's chest and scratches her head on his beard will one day be graduating high school. I don't know how parents do it. I just can't imagine it. I know she has to grow up, but that doesn't mean I have to face it just yet. After all, she isn't even a week old.