Thursday, July 18, 2013

The joys of daddy changing diapers!

So far, the little one has been pretty amazing. She wakes up once at night for a feeding and then dozes back off for a few more hours. On average, we are getting about 7 hours of sleep a night! Not only is she great during the day, but she is usually really easy to care for during the day. I mean, she eats, falls asleep, and wakes up sucking when its time to eat again. Rarely does she cry and I love it! My favorite thing is how much she smiles in her sleep. This girl is just all-around perfect!

However, today we had a "newborn moment". She woke up and ate, but couldn't go back to sleep. No matter what I did she was either screaming or trying to sleep and couldn't. She wouldn't eat, a car ride did nothing, and even daddy couldn't calm her down. We had no idea what was wrong and then it dawned on us....she hadn't pooped in a while. Not days, but about 15 hours. So, I made an appointment with her doctor (it was a huge concern since she wasn't eating for quite some time). Shortly after, she pooped. Then, she ate like crazy and fell asleep. We cancelled her appointment and asked if there was anything we could do if this happened again. His response? Feed her more. DUH! The entire reason I called was because she wasn't eating!

Anyways, later on she had a REALLY wet diaper and my husband volunteered to change her. He took her diaper off and as soon as he did, she started pooping. I couldn't stop laughing at him! He put a wipe under her butt and decided to wait a second before putting on a clean diaper. Its a good thing he did! She let it all out! He was freaking out about how it was getting everywhere and there was so much. He kept saying it was gonna get all over him. It didn' first. She was "done" and he lifted her butt to clean her and SHE SHOT POOP AT HIM! I was laughing so hard by this time I was crying and couldn't see so that I could walk out of the room. Eventually, I had to leave because laughing so hard was causing my incision area to throb. From the other room all I hear is "OH MY GOD!!! ITS ON MY FINGER!!" When I finally venture back into the room, he pointed out  the wet spot on the couch (from him cleaning it) "LOOK AT THAT! SHE SHOT POOP HALF A CUSHION LENGTH!" I thought it was so funny I called her Nana and Papa to tell them (I knew my parents would find this hilarious). My mom was laughing and then scolded me for leaving the room....and not taking a video!
It may have been a rough start to the day, but she sure made it worth it!

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