Monday, August 12, 2013

Pickiest eater alive!!!

So, after a month of nursing like a champ my runt suddenly decided to stop latching, but only in the evening. I figured she was just too hungry to wait for let down so I would give her a bit of bottle and try again. All she would do is larch for a second or two and then scream. When I woke her up to eat, she did so without a problem. At night, no issues. I was at a loss and started to search the wonders of Google. After hours all I had found was stuff talking about a nursing strike (way too young for that) and other moms saying there was no way to fix the problem. I was about to give up when I came across a Yahoo! Answers post. The mom said she switched her body wash and it fixed the problem. My issue? I haven't switched my body wash. I was wracking my brain for what scents have changed. Then it hit me....I asked my husband to grab me some conditioner while he was out and he (being a man) grabbed the cheapest kind. That stuff smells like dial tastes (I had a mouth as a kid). I switched to my previous kind and it was like a total one-eighty. She hasn't had another issue since! The reason it was only in the evening? She is more awake then which means she is more in tune with her senses. She could smell it more at that time and refused to latch! I thought I knew some picky eaters, but this kid takes it to a whole new level!!!

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