Baby girl,
You may learn a lot from me and I hope you do. I hope you find your passion and thrive. I hope you live the life you want and don't let others choose your path. Most of all, I hope you find true happiness. Many people think happiness is money or nice things. For me, it is nothing like that. Happiness has always been simple. I am happy when I'm with your father. I am happy with where we live. I am happy when I cook. Mostly, I am happy when I am with you. No matter what is happening, you make my world better. I hope you find happiness like that. A safe place or person that makes all of your troubles melt away.
If you learn nothing else from me, learn these two things. First, there is a song I always sing to you called "don't you worry child". The lyrics say "don't you worry, don't you worry child. See, heaven's got a plan for you." Its true, baby girl. Follow your dreams and work hard. Heaven has a plan and it is your goal to get there. Don't worry about your struggles along the way. Keep working hard and god will get you where you need to be. He will give you the strength and tools you need. Just don't give up on him or your goals.
Second, god always answers prayers. Sometimes, it is yes. Others, it is no. A few times, it is yes, but wait. Wait.... that is something I'm not very good at. When we wanted you, I prayed so hard. It took awhile and I thought god had said no. Turns out, he just wanted us to wait. So, we did (although it wasn't our choice). We waited and got an amazing little runt. If we didn't have to wait, we wouldn't have you. Sure, we would have a baby, but that baby wouldn't be YOU. We had to wait for the perfect combination of genes. So, he hasn't said no. He hadn't left our sides. He just wanted us to wait for you.
Also, I love you more than anything in this entire world. I know sometimes you will question that, but it is true. I would give my life for your happiness. You are meant to be great. Follow your heart. Go after your dreams. You were made to be strong. You accomplished many struggles even before I held you. You beat many odds. You can do it again and again. Just keep fighting.
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