This one is super easy. DIY crystals to make your laundry smell amazing! It's a cleaner version of the chemically loaded store bought version. Plus, you can customize the scent and there are endless combinations! In this batch, I just used eucalyptus because it was a cheap bottle my husband could grab on the way home. The store we bought it from didn't have a huge selection of scents I want on my clothes, but I will be ordering some soon to make a bunch of different ones! No need to use your good, therapeutic, and expensive oils for this either. Just find something cheap. Because this is only for scent, quality of oil isn't a huge issue. You don't want bottom of the barrel, but it doesn't have to be great either. Which will also save you money!
What you need:
-Epsom salt
-essential oil(s)
You want to use between 10 and 15 drops of oil per cup of Epsom salt. I used 13 and this gave a strong, but not overpowering scent. The problem I have with store bought crystals is that they can be way too strong. So, add what you like. It will still smell fairly strong, but this will be diluted in the wash.
I added 2 drops of washable dye per 3 cups of salts. This is only to make it fun for my daughter and to make sure the oils are distributed evenly. This is NOT a necessary step. However, as I get more scents, I will continue to do this so I can have a few different options that are easily distinguished from one another.
Once the salt is thoroughly mixed with the oil, just place it in a container for storage and you're good to go! I used an old bottle from the store bought version because it's super convenient and the lid came off easily. Way easier than running to the store and much cheaper! The store bought version is around $5. For the equal amount (which varies by essential oil costs) comes out to roughly $1.10! Because I'm super cheap, this makes me super happy!
Due to the fact that it is also in my detergent, I only add 1/8 of a cup. Otherwise, add 1/4 for a large load.