I have been on a huge DIY kick lately. As some of my posts have let on, I'm in love with DIY cleaners. Mostly because I'm super cheap (I HATE spending unnecessary money). I have been dying to do my own laundry detergent, but had stockpiled a few months ago and waited to run out. I'm allergic to almost every detergent, so I was super happy to try this! Its SO cheap (like me) and my daughter LOVES the tabs. You could leave it as a powder, but the tabs don't take much more work and I like the convenience of them.
This is a SMALL fraction of the batch I made. I filled a one gallon jug and this jar with tabs! Definitely worth it!
What you need:
- 5.5 oz grated soap- My husband goes on many trips for work so we have a huge stockpile of hotel soaps. I used these and they worked great. If you're buying some, buy Fels Naptha. I've seen posts saying you can microwave it and crumble it. I tried this and the heat from the bar cracked my pyrex bowl :( So, try at your own risk!
- 3 cups borax
-2 cups washing soda
- 4 1/2 cups oxygen bleach
- 2 cups washing crystals- home made or store bought. I will be posting a recipe for those soon because I'm cheap!
Mix everything together! Keep in an airtight container and use 1-2 tablespoons per load! For tabs, mix a small amount of water with a small amount of detergent powder (it can dry out while forming tabs and you want some dry in case you add too much water). Once its a wet sand consistency, it is ready to mold! There are a few options for this. I use a cookie scoop and scoop it onto wax paper. I also make some with a tablespoon for the mold. I use the larger ones for super loads and the tablespoon size for the smaller loads. You can also scoop one tablespoon into an ice cube tray. Then, throw in 2 for large loads and 1 for smaller loads. Let sit for 24 hours before storing in an airtight container. Super easy! Plus, they smell amazing and they are hypoallergenic!
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