Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Stay at home mom? Try being a working mom!

I'm so sick of everyone saying "being a stay at home mom is so hard. All I do is work". Yea. Yea...we all get it. Staying home being a mom IS a job. I'm not arguing that one bit. However, don't come to a working mom complaining about how much you do. Sure, you cook, take care of the kids, clean, and generally hold the fort down. I'm not saying in any way shape or form that this is bad. Hell, I would kill to be an at home mom and be with my girl ALL day long. However, the truth is that I am not. I am a working mom. Which means I cook, clean, care for my kid, AND hold down a full time job all while managing not to go insane or get fired. You wanna be a stay at home mom? Good for you. Just stop acting like your life is so much harder than that of a working mom. Again, I'm not saying it is bad to be a full time mom. All I am saying is that from what I have seen throughout my life (even before I had a kid of my own) is that working moms have it harder. I don't want to hear about how crazy your day was. Dealing with my kid is NOTHING compared to the 150 person catering I did. When you have a full time job you (usually) have two days off to relax and rest. Those two days are just that for me. Both days, I have my kid. Both days, she is wild, crazy, getting into stuff, yelling at me for turning around for 2.5 seconds, etc. Yet, it IS in fact easier than what I do for 40 hours out of my week. All stay at home moms talk about not getting a break. And I do? I wake up at 4 a.m. to get ready for work. Drop the runt off at the sitter around 5 and then proceed to work 8+ hours running around like a mass murderer is on the loose. Does it end there? Of course not. I come home, put her down for a nap, clean, wake her up, feed her, occupy her fast growing mind, put her to bed, and eat dinner if I'm lucky. So, no. I don't want to hear about how rough it is to just play with kids all day. Because your job is by far not the hardest one in the world. Take my mom for example. She has 5 kids. She works over 40 hours performing disgusting medical acts (I say disgusting because i have heard some stories) on people and then comes home to an unruly bunch of children. She wasn't an at home mom. Yet, she still drove me to every softball practice, ballet practice, checked my homework, got me where I needed to be, threw parties, made it to school functions, AND chaperoned some field trips. Remember, you CHOSE to stay at home. So, please, for the sanity of all working moms, shut up about how rough you have it.

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