Saturday, March 16, 2013

Holy Hormonal....

So, I have made it this far in my pregnancy (23.5 weeks) pretty much unscathed. I had some MAJOR issues with heartburn, which led to throwing up stomach acid, which led to an upper respiratory infection. Other than that, I have had no issues. I have no food turn offs, minor cravings, and very little aches. I also had not experienced the mood swings everyone talks about....until last night.

Last night at around midnight, my husband and I were about to head to bed when I decided I NEEDED a brownie. I didn't just want this brownie, I NEEDED it. I asked him to make me some, but he said no. He explained that it was WAY too late to be making brownies and he needed to get to bed. This was very him. I had just gotten off of work and was tired, but he said I could feel free to make them. I told him I just got off work and I didn't want to. Why should I when he had been sitting around for hours? He explained he had worked earlier, so my job wasn't an excuse. I told him he was right, but he didn't have to carry this child around while working all day. I did and therefore, he should make me brownies. Crazy right? only gets better.

While in this lighthearted back and forth with my dear husband, I suddenly became very upset that he didn't understand what I was going through and how badly I needed this brownie. I began crying because he just didn't get it and it seemed like he never would. As I sat there and cried about this brownie that would never be mine, I couldn't stop laughing as well. Why? Logically, I knew how stupid it was to cry over a brownie. I knew I was acting like a child and I knew that I should stop. Emotionally, I felt like my world was going to end because my brownie would never be mine. I knew I needed to stop acting so foolish, but I could not stop it!

So, I sat there on the couch crying because I was sad, and laughing at the exact same time because of how I looked. MY POOR POOR HUSBAND! He even offered to run to the gas station to get me a brownie! I cried even more because I didn't want a brownie with frosting!

Oh, the joys of being pregnant! Even now, 24 hours later and clear minded, I have no idea why I was crying. I laugh about it, but geeze....what was going on with me?

After I thought it was all over with and I was back to "normal", I was playing with my dog and started crying.  I love this dog more than any dog I have ever owned, and he is one of the most gentle giants I have ever been around. He is and always will be my baby. He was my first "kid". He is part black lab and part great dane. Which, in case you didn't know, means he is HUGE.
Atreyu loves to listen to the baby and always lays with his ear on my stomach :)

Anyways, as I played with my darling puppy, I started crying. All I could think was that one day my dog would no longer be around. I couldn't stop crying because one day (probably a while from now) my 2 year old dog would die. I AM GOING CRAZY!!!! Now, I feel like I am losing my mind! I see the smallest thing and I cry for no reason! I saw the end of one of those "save the abused animals" commercials, and it made me cry! Not only, did I cry, but I tried to convince my coworkers that we needed to adopt 5 kittens/dogs each.

I have no idea how to explain these feelings, all I know is that I have NEVER been so confused in my life! I have never sat there and laughed WHILE I cried because I was sad. This defies all science. Men will never understand it. You ARE in fact going crazy, but it isn't your fault. Unless, you aren't pregnant. In that case, see your doctor.

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